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文化的英文是什么 文化的英文

文化的英文是什么文化的英文是:cultural音标: 英 [ˈkʌltʃərəl] 美 [ˈkʌltʃərəl]a. 文化的, 教养的, 修养的[医] 培养的a. of or relating to the arts and manners

文化的英文是什么 文化的英文


文化的英文是:cultural音标: 英 [ˈkʌltʃərəl] 美 [ˈkʌltʃərəl]

a. 文化的, 教养的, 修养的

[医] 培养的

a. of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors

s. denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people

a. of or relating to the shared knowledge and values of a society

a. relating to the raising of plants or animals


1. A "what should be" culture instead of a "what is" culture.

一種"理應如此"的文化 而非"實事求是"的文化

2. Is that a cultural thing? It's a culture thing.

这是一种文化问题 是文化问题

3. I was born in football, and and the culture is the culture.

我就生在橄榄球界 它的文化就是这样

4. Our whole corporate culture is that we don't have a corporate culture.

我们的企业文化就是 没有企业文化

5. What? I came here as a little girl, so my culture is your culture.

不行吗 我很小就来到美国了 所以我们受熏陶的文化都一样

6. But you can't say that jock culture is this or that, there isn't just one culture.

但你不能说男运动员文化是这个 是那个 这不只是一种文化

7. Instead of thinking about the culture conflict, maybe think about the culture itself.

我们也许不该去考虑文化冲突 而应该思考文化本身

8. Okay, regardless, white culture is just as complicated as black culture.

不管怎样 白人文化像黑人文化一样 也很复杂

9. cultural appropriation is when members of a dominant group exploits the culture of less privileged groups.

文化侵占 是指占主导地位的群体成员 利用处于较弱势的群体文化

10. Spain's aggressive exporting of her culture and her faith to other parts of the world didn't render her immune to the inflow of cultural influences from abroad.

西班牙在对别的国家 侵略性地输出自身文化及信仰的同时 并没有让她免于卷入 受其它文化影响的大潮中

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