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昨天下午英语怎么说 昨天下午用英语怎么说

1、昨天下午英语怎么说昨天下午的英语是:Yesterday afternoon2、双语例句1. 昨天下午沿着河边种了一百棵树。One hundred trees were planted along the riverside yesterday

昨天下午英语怎么说 昨天下午用英语怎么说


昨天下午的英语是:Yesterday afternoon


1. 昨天下午沿着河边种了一百棵树。

One hundred trees were planted along the riverside yesterday afternoon.

2. 我昨天下午去看医生了。

I went to the doctor's yesterday afternoon.

3. 昨天下午关于是否养宠物的辩论持续了40分钟。

The debate on whether to keep pets lasted forty minutes yesterday afternoon.

4. 昨天下午天灰沉沉的,但没有下雨。

It was overcast yesterday afternoon, but it didn’t rain.

5. 词典研究中心昨天下午揭牌。

The lexicography research centre was inaugurated yesterday afternoon.

6. 昨天下午冰雪开始解冻。

The thaw came yesterday afternoon.

7. 昨天下午你们是几点开始起钻的?

What time did you begin to pull out of hole yesterday afternoon?

8. 你昨天下午不在候机室,是吗?。

You were not in the airport lounge yesterday afternoon, were you?

9. 我们昨天下午栽了100 棵树。

We planted 100 trees yesterday afternoon.

10. 第一张是昨天下午大雨过后拍的;

One is after raining afternoon yesterday;

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